Summerfest Update #2
Summerfest Update #2
August 15, 2012 9:52 am 0

Rob Routley is in his second year of Summerfest and is a breath of fresh air in an already amazingly running engine of BMX shows. This turndown is actually the second trick in this jump. The first was either a one handed tabletop or maybe a tuck no hander. Regardless, variations like this separate great bike riders from good ones. This is a fully commitment trick while falling back to earth. Wild!

Rollie Flasch has been a staple at the shows for over 15 years. Here is one of hundreds of 360’s he has done in his life. This picture still doesn’t to the audience justice at each performance.

Flip whip photo #1. Koji Kraft’s version of any trick is usually a good one.

Wild 720 about as close as you want to be to it. Jake Hinke moving and shaking.

Jason Minor can spin well for being so tall. Here is a 360 into the landing after some fly out trick.

Crazy Dan Setmeyer has been doing a lot of shows and when he can keep himself and his bike on the ramp, good things happen. Here is a superwhip at magic hour.

Jj keeps it as close as possible to Tim Knoll. 360 over a large man’s legs. He literally wraps around his legs. It doesn’t get any better than this!

Danny Holbus taking everything off. I’m just proud that he could match his shoes to his shirt. Nice work Danny!

Jake Hinke with a toboggan in front of fans, fellow riders, Chairlift passangers, and paparazzi.

If I didn’t tell you what he is doing could you figure it out? Really look at this picture and let me know how you think he got out of it. 360 Double tailwhip from Cory Ellis.

Apparently the duo of Chris and Tim is a good one. Chris explains, Tim rides, and the crowd stares in admiration.

Jj Flairty knows how to tweak a bicycle, 270 turndown, a mustache, and the bottom of his Vans.

Same trick, different view.

Crazy dan doing what he does best, scaring people.

Brandon Schill listens to all that rap music and puts his hands up. We are running out of captions…


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