Battling snow storms in the mountains is no fun, but when the other side of the mountain is where the show must go on, then you gotta do what you gotta do. After a 6 hour drive turned into 12 we got out of the rig and put on some of the best shows of the year. Pictured is Little Jon putting the bike sideways. For being a wedge landing, people ride it like a steep jump. They make it look pretty awesome!
What can be said about Dan that has not already been said? Tricks are huge, always dialed, and at the very minimal, exciting. He has a nac for going really huge and being a crowd favorite. He is easy to pick out of a crowd, which only helps.
Dan no hands under the watchful eye of the track official.
Rob Darden has been a pretty regular on the Division show circuit this winter. Pretty unbelievable to watch him ride because of the consistency he brings to the table. When he wasn’t waiting, practicing, or doing the show he was out at every close college looking for spots. Truly a committed individual in the game of BMX! Height pole by Little Jon.
Cover Shot, and buddy with a perfect sasquatch walk.