The division crew has been putting in some serious man time and upgrading the quarter trailer Location:E Brady St,Milwaukee,United States
The old ramp got a new layer of black on her. That makes enough paint on the lip to match... Just found this old edit of Dom that I’ve never seen before. He is truly one of the best...
All another day at a Division BMX bicycle show. Brian Fitch on the whip with Micah throwing a pose underneath. ...
Wonderful picture taken while in the capitol of Canada, Ottawa. It was a pretty neat city with lots of castles...
One of the most beautiful places Division has ever had the privileged to visit is the providence of New foundland...
I am so excited about this blog I can’t stop uploading pictures. Enjoy!!! Location:E Irving Pl,Milwaukee,United States
Time to get this news stuff up and running. We are looking at one of the busiest years in the...